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Produkte und Fragen zum Begriff Illyria:

  • Bergh, Gillis: Gillis Skrönika
    Bergh, Gillis: Gillis Skrönika

    Gillis Skrönika , En barnbok för vuxna , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 11.58 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Stephan, Florian: Zwischenerfolgseliminierung im Konzernabschluss nach HGB
    Stephan, Florian: Zwischenerfolgseliminierung im Konzernabschluss nach HGB

    Zwischenerfolgseliminierung im Konzernabschluss nach HGB , Schule & Ausbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen

    Preis: 18.95 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Juric, Lea Puljcan: Illyria in Shakespeare's England
    Juric, Lea Puljcan: Illyria in Shakespeare's England

    Illyria in Shakespeare's England , Illyria in Shakespeare's England is the first extended study of the eastern Adriatic region, often referred to in the Renaissance by its Graeco-Roman name "Illyria," in early modern English writing and political thought. At first glance the absence of earlier studies may not be surprising: that area may seem significant only to critics pursuing certain specialized questions about Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, which is set in Illyria. But in fact, it is not only often misrepresented in the discussions of that play but also typically ignored in the critical conversation on English prose romances, poems, and other plays that feature Illyria or its peoples, some rarely read, others well-known, including Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors, 2 Henry VI, Measure for Measure, and Cymbeline. Lea Puljcan Juric explores the reasons for such views by engaging with larger questions of interest to many critics who focus on subjects other than geographic regions, such as "othering," religion, race, and the development of national identity, among other issues. She also broadens the conversation on these familiar problems in the field to include the impact of post-Renaissance notions of the Balkans on the erasure of Illyria from Shakespeare studies. Puljcan Juric studies the encounters of the English with the ancient and early modern Illyrians through their Greek and Roman heritage; geographies, histories, and travelogues, written in a variety of European polities including Illyria itself; religious conflict after the Reformation and the threat of Islam; and international politics and commerce. These considerations show how Illyria's geopolitical position among the Ottoman Empire, Habsburg Empire and Venice, its "national" struggles as well as its cultural heterogeneity figured in English interests in the eastern Mediterranean, and informed English ideas about ethnicity, nationhood, and religion. In Shakespeare studies, however, critics have consistently cast Twelfth Night's Illyria as a utopia, an enigma, or a substitute for England, Italy, or Greece. Arguing that twentieth-century politics and negative conceptions of the eastern Adriatic as part of "the Balkans" have underwritten this erasure of Illyria from our perspective on the field, Puljcan Juric shows how entrenched cultural hierarchies tied to elitism and colonial politics still inform our analyses of literature. She invites scholars to recognize that, for Shakespeare and his contemporaries, Illyria is the site of important socio-political and cultural struggles during the period, some shared with neighboring areas, others geographically specific, that invite dynamic historical and literary scrutiny. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 154.99 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Juric, Lea Puljcan: Illyria in Shakespeare's England
    Juric, Lea Puljcan: Illyria in Shakespeare's England

    Illyria in Shakespeare's England , Illyria in Shakespeare's England is the first extended study of the eastern Adriatic region, often referred to in the Renaissance by its Graeco-Roman name "Illyria," in early modern English writing and political thought. At first glance the absence of earlier studies may not be surprising: that area may seem significant only to critics pursuing certain specialized questions about Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, which is set in Illyria. But in fact, it is not only often misrepresented in the discussions of that play but also typically ignored in the critical conversation on English prose romances, poems, and other plays that feature Illyria or its peoples, some rarely read, others well-known, including Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors, 2 Henry VI, Measure for Measure, and Cymbeline. Lea Puljcan Juric explores the reasons for such views by engaging with larger questions of interest to many critics who focus on subjects other than geographic regions, such as "othering," religion, race, and the development of national identity, among other issues. She also broadens the conversation on these familiar problems in the field to include the impact of post-Renaissance notions of the Balkans on the erasure of Illyria from Shakespeare studies. Puljcan Juric studies the encounters of the English with the ancient and early modern Illyrians through their Greek and Roman heritage; geographies, histories, and travelogues, written in a variety of European polities including Illyria itself; religious conflict after the Reformation and the threat of Islam; and international politics and commerce. These considerations show how Illyria's geopolitical position among the Ottoman Empire, Habsburg Empire and Venice, its "national" struggles as well as its cultural heterogeneity figured in English interests in the eastern Mediterranean, and informed English ideas about ethnicity, nationhood, and religion. In Shakespeare studies, however, critics have consistently cast Twelfth Night's Illyria as a utopia, an enigma, or a substitute for England, Italy, or Greece. Arguing that twentieth-century politics and negative conceptions of the eastern Adriatic as part of "the Balkans" have underwritten this erasure of Illyria from our perspective on the field, Puljcan Juric shows how entrenched cultural hierarchies tied to elitism and colonial politics still inform our analyses of literature. She invites scholars to recognize that, for Shakespeare and his contemporaries, Illyria is the site of important socio-political and cultural struggles during the period, some shared with neighboring areas, others geographically specific, that invite dynamic historical and literary scrutiny. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 59.03 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Gillis, Marybeth: Mouse
    Gillis, Marybeth: Mouse

    Mouse , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 49.57 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Sandberg Wandbild Gillis - Pink
    Sandberg Wandbild Gillis - Pink

    Die Panoramatapete mit Sternen wurde zusammen mit Johanna Bradford entwickelt. Sie funktioniert auch als Deckentapete.

    Preis: 334.02 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Sandberg Wandbild Gillis - Sandstone
    Sandberg Wandbild Gillis - Sandstone

    Die Panoramatapete mit Sternen wurde zusammen mit Johanna Bradford entwickelt. Sie funktioniert auch als Deckentapete.

    Preis: 334.02 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Sandberg Wandbild Gillis - Yellow
    Sandberg Wandbild Gillis - Yellow

    Die Panoramatapete mit Sternen wurde zusammen mit Johanna Bradford entwickelt. Sie funktioniert auch als Deckentapete.

    Preis: 334.02 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Sandberg Wandbild Gillis - Blue
    Sandberg Wandbild Gillis - Blue

    Die Panoramatapete mit Sternen wurde zusammen mit Johanna Bradford entwickelt. Sie funktioniert auch als Deckentapete.

    Preis: 334.02 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Gillis, P. A.: Tederederies
    Gillis, P. A.: Tederederies

    Tederederies , Everyone supports Fanny Williams as little Renny becomes part of the Aberbryncraig story and causes a problem or two on his way, showing considerable ingenuity and originality. Mrs Mopalot sorts it all out again with the help of those who have caused all the difficulties, her husband, cocoa in bed, and above all, most of the population of Aberbryncraig in one way or another. The Summer Party is rather unusual this year. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 13.34 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Gillis, Kid: Ethereal Love
    Gillis, Kid: Ethereal Love

    Ethereal Love , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 30.25 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Gillis, Bryan: Chris Crutcher
    Gillis, Bryan: Chris Crutcher

    Chris Crutcher , Chris Crutcher is a literary icon in the field of young adult literature. In this book, Gillis and Cole examine the life, career, and works of this young adult advocate. This volume opens with a never-before-published comprehensive portrait of the author's life, gleaned from numerous conversations with Crutcher. The authors explore Crutcher's childhood, his adolescent years, his life as an adult, and his career as a family counselor and examine how those experiences became fodder for his stories. The authors also discuss Crutcher's encounters with censorship and his philosophical stance. Gillis and Cole also analyze Crutcher's novels, short stories, and novellas, examining his literary craft and such social themes as bigotry, identity, sexuality, relationships, and loss-themes almost always positioned within a sports story. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 102.63 € | Versand*: 0 €

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    Als KI habe ich keine persönlichen Vorlieben oder Meinungen. Die Attraktivität einer Person ist subjektiv und kann von Individuum zu Individuum unterschiedlich sein.

  • War Anton LaVey ein Faschist?

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  • Mögt ihr den Namen Anton?

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